13 I will comfort you therelike a mothercomforting her child.”
14 When you see this happen,you will celebrate;your strength will returnfaster than grass can sprout.Then everyone will knowthat the Lord provides helpfor his servants,but he is angrywith his enemies.
15 The Lord will come downlike a whirlwindwith his flaming chariots.He will be furiously angryand punish his enemieswith fire.
16 The Lord's fiery swordwill bring justiceeverywhere on this earthand execute many people.
17 Some of you get yourselves ready and go to a garden to worship a foreign goddess. You eat the meat of pigs, lizards, and mice. But I, the Lord, will destroy you for this.
18 I know everything you do and think! The time has now come to bring together the people of every language and nation and to show them my glory
19 by proving what I can do. I will send the survivors to Tarshish, Pul, Lud, Meshech, Tubal, Javan, and to the distant islands. I will send them to announce my wonderful glory to nations that have never heard about me.