9 The Lord is the onewho makes birth possible.And he will see that Zionhas many more children.The Lord has spoken.
10 If you love Jerusalem,celebrate and shout!If you were in sorrowbecause of the city,you can now be glad.
11 She will nurse and comfort you,just like your own mother,until you are satisfied.You will fully enjoyher wonderful glory.
12 The Lord has promised:“I will flood Jerusalemwith the wealth of nationsand make the city prosper.Zion will nurse you at her breast,carry you in her arms,and hold you in her lap.
13 I will comfort you therelike a mothercomforting her child.”
14 When you see this happen,you will celebrate;your strength will returnfaster than grass can sprout.Then everyone will knowthat the Lord provides helpfor his servants,but he is angrywith his enemies.
15 The Lord will come downlike a whirlwindwith his flaming chariots.He will be furiously angryand punish his enemieswith fire.