1 Don't be annoyed by anyonewho does wrong,and don't envy them.
2 They will soon disappearlike grass without rain.
3 Trust the Lord and live right!The land will be yours,and you will be safe.
4 Do what the Lord wants,and he will give youyour heart's desire.
5 Let the Lord lead youand trust him to help.
6 Then it will be as clearas the noonday sunthat you were right.
7 Be patient and trust the Lord.Don't let it bother youwhen all goes well for thosewho do sinful things.
8 Don't be angry or furious.Anger can lead to sin.
9 All sinners will disappear,but if you trust the Lord,the land will be yours.
10 Sinners will soon disappear,never to be found,
11 but the poor will take the landand enjoy a big harvest.
12 Merciless people make plotsagainst good peopleand snarl like animals,
13 but the Lord laughs and knowstheir time is coming soon.
14 The wicked kill with swordsand shoot arrows to murderthe poor and the needyand all who do right.
15 But they will be killedby their own swords,and their arrowswill be broken.
16 It is better to live rightand be poorthan to be sinful and rich.
17 The wicked will lose allof their power,but the Lord gives strengthto everyone who is good.
18 Those who obey the Lordare daily in his care,and what he has given themwill be theirs for ever.
19 They won't be in troublewhen times are bad,and they will have plentywhen food is scarce.
20 Wicked people are enemiesof the Lordand will vanish like smokefrom a field on fire.
21 An evil person borrowsand never pays back;a good person is generousand never stops giving.
22 Everyone the Lord blesseswill receive the land;everyone the Lord curseswill be destroyed.
23 If you do what the Lord wants,he will make certaineach step you take is sure.
24 The Lord will hold your hand,and if you stumble,you still won't fall.
25 As long as I can remember,good people have neverbeen left helpless,and their children have nevergone begging for food.
26 They gladly give and lend,and their childrenturn out good.
27 If you stop sinningand start doing right,you will keep livingand be secure for ever.
28 The Lord loves justice,and he won't ever deserthis faithful people.He always protects them,but destroys the childrenof the wicked.
29 God's people will own the landand live here for ever.
30 Words of wisdom comewhen good people speakfor justice.
31 They remember God's teachings,and they never takea wrong step.
32 The wicked try to trapand kill good people,
33 but the Lord is on their side,and he will defend themwhen they are on trial.
34 Trust the Lord and follow him.He will give you the land,and you will seethe wicked destroyed.
35 I have seen brutal peopleabuse others and grow stronglike trees in rich soil.
36 Suddenly they disappeared!I looked, but they were goneand no longer there.
37 Think of the bright futurewaiting for all the familiesof honest and innocentand peace-loving people.
38 But not a trace will be leftof the wickedor their families.
39 The Lord protects his people,and they can come to himin times of trouble.
40 The Lord helps themand saves them from the wickedbecause they run to him.