1 Live under the protectionof God Most Highand stay in the shadowof God All-Powerful.
2 Then you will say to the Lord,“You are my fortress,my place of safety;you are my God,and I trust you.”
3 The Lord will keep you safefrom secret trapsand deadly diseases.
4 He will spread his wingsover youand keep you secure.His faithfulness is likea shield or a city wall.
5 You won't need to worryabout dangers at nightor arrows during the day.
6 And you won't fear diseasesthat strike in the darkor sudden disaster at midday.
7 You will not be harmed,though thousands fallall around you.
8 And with your own eyesyou will see the punishmentof the wicked.
9 The Lord Most Highis your fortress.Run to him for safety,
10 and no terrible disasterswill strike youor your home.
11 God will command his angelsto protect youwherever you go.
12 They will carry youin their arms,and you won't hurt your feeton the stones.
13 You will overpowerthe strongest lionsand the most deadly snakes.
14 The Lord says, “If you love meand truly know who I am,I will rescue youand keep you safe.
15 When you are in trouble,call out to me.I will answer and be thereto protect and honour you.
16 You will live a long lifeand see my saving power.”