3 You will send help from heavenand save me,but you will bring troubleon my attackers.You are faithful,and you can be trusted.
4 I live among lions,who gobble up people!They have spears and arrowsinstead of teeth,and they have sharp swordsinstead of tongues.
5 May you, my God, be honouredabove the heavens;may your glory be seeneverywhere on earth.
6 Enemies set traps for my feetand struck me down.They dug a pit in my path,but fell in it themselves.
7 I am faithful to you,and you can trust me.I will sing and play musicfor you, my God.
8 I feel wide awake!I will wake up my harpand wake up the sun.
9 I will praise you, Lord,for everyone to hear,and I will sing hymns to youin every nation.