5 Our God, you save us,and your fearsome deeds answerour prayers for justice!You give hope to peopleeverywhere on earth,even those across the sea.
6 You are strong,and your mighty powerput the mountains in place.
7 You silence the roaring wavesand the noisy shoutsof the nations.
8 People far away marvelat your fearsome deeds,and all who live under the suncelebrate and singbecause of you.
9 You take care of the earthand send rain to help the soilgrow all kinds of crops.Your rivers never run dry,and you prepare the earthto produce much grain.
10 You water all its fieldsand level the lumpy ground.You send showers of rainto soften the soiland help the plants sprout.
11 Wherever your footstepstouch the earth,a rich harvest is gathered.