1 You are kind, God!Please have pity on me.You are always merciful!Please wipe away my sins.
2 Wash me clean from allof my sin and guilt.
3 I know about my sins,and I cannot forgetthe burden of my guilt.
4 You are really the oneI have sinned against;I have disobeyed youand have done wrong.So it is right and fair for youto correct and punish me.
5 I have sinned and done wrongsince the day I was born.
6 But you want complete honesty,so teach me true wisdom.
7 Wash me with hyssopuntil I am cleanand whiter than snow.
8 Let me be happy and joyful!You crushed my bones,now let them celebrate.
9 Turn your eyes from my sinand cover my guilt.
10 Create pure thoughts in meand make me faithful again.
11 Don't chase me away from youor take your Holy Spiritaway from me.
12 Make me as happy as you didwhen you saved me;make me want to obey!
13 I will teach sinners your Law,and they will return to you.
14 Keep me from any deadly sin.Only you can save me!Then I will shout and singabout your power to save.
15 Help me to speak,and I will praise you, Lord.
16 Offerings and sacrificesare not what you want.
17 The way to please youis to be truly sorrydeep in our hearts.This is the kind of sacrificeyou won't refuse.
18 Please be willing, Lord,to help the city of Zionand to rebuild its walls.
19 Then you will be pleasedwith the proper sacrifices,and we will offer bullson your altar once again.