1 Have pity, God Most High!My enemies chase me all day.
2 Many of them are pursuingand attacking me,
3 but even when I am afraid,I keep on trusting you.
4 I praise your promises!I trust you and am not afraid.No one can harm me.
5 Enemies spend the whole dayfinding fault with me;all they think aboutis how to do me harm.
6 They attack from ambush,watching my every stepand hoping to kill me.
7 They won't get awaywith these crimes, God,because when you get angry,you destroy people.
8 You have kept recordof my days of wandering.You have stored my tearsin your bottleand counted each of them.
9 When I pray, Lord God,my enemies will retreat,because I know for certainthat you are with me.
10 I praise your promises!
11 I trust you and am not afraid.No one can harm me.
12 I will keep my promisesto you, my God,and bring you gifts.
13 You protected me from deathand kept me from stumbling,so that I would please youand follow the lightthat leads to life.