1 Lord God, you punishthe guilty.Show what you are likeand punish them now.
2 You judge the earth.Come and help us!Pay back those proud peoplefor what they have done.
3 How long will the wickedcelebrate and be glad?
4 All of those cruel peoplestrut and boast,
5 and they crush and woundyour chosen nation, Lord.
6 They murder widows,foreigners, and orphans.
7 Then they say,“The Lord God of Jacobdoesn't see or know.”
8 Can't you fools see?Won't you ever learn?
9 God gave us ears and eyes!Can't he hear and see?
10 God instructs the nationsand gives knowledge to us all.Won't he also correct us?
11 The Lord knows how uselessour plans really are.
12 Our Lord, you bless everyonethat you instruct and teachby using your Law.
13 You give them restfrom their troubles,until a pit can be dugfor the wicked.
14 You won't turn your backon your chosen nation.
15 Justice and fairnesswill go hand in hand,and all who do rightwill follow along.
16 Who will stand up for meagainst those cruel people?
17 If you had not helped me, Lord,I would soon have goneto the land of silence.
18 When I felt my feet slipping,you came with your loveand kept me steady.
19 And when I was burdenedwith worries,you comforted meand made me feel secure.
20 But you are opposedto dishonest lawmakers
21 who gang up to murderinnocent victims.
22 You, Lord God, are my fortress,that mighty rockwhere I am safe.
23 You will pay back my enemies,and you will wipe them outfor the evil they did.