9 He, lion-like, lurks in his den;he waits the poor to take;And when he draws him in his net,his prey he doth him make.
10 Himself he humbleth very low,he croucheth down withal,That so a multitude of poormay by his strong ones fall.
11 He thus hath said within his heart,The Lord hath quite forgot;He hides his countenance, and hefor ever sees it not.
12 O Lord, do thou arise; O God,lift up thine hand on high:Put not the meek afflicted onesout of thy memory.
13 Why is it that the wicked manthus doth the Lord despise?Because that God will it requirehe in his heart denies.
14 Thou hast it seen; for their mischiefand spite thou wilt repay:The poor commits himself to thee;thou art the orphan's stay.
15 The arm break of the wicked man,and of the evil one;Do thou seek out his wickedness,until thou findest none.