1 To thee, O God, do we give thanks,we do give thanks to thee;Because thy wondrous works declarethy great name near to be.
2 I purpose, when I shall receivethe congregation,That I shall judgment uprightlyrender to ev'ry one.
3 Dissolved is the land, with allthat in the same do dwell;But I the pillars thereof doBear up, and stablish well.
4 I to the foolish people said,Do not deal foolishly;And unto those that wicked are,Lift not your horn on high.
5 Lift not your horn on high, nor speak
6 with stubborn neck. But know,That not from east, nor west, nor south,promotion doth flow.
7 But God is judge; he puts down one,and sets another up.
8 For in the hand of God most highof red wine is a cup:'Tis full of mixture, he pours forth,and makes the wicked allWring out the bitter dregs thereof; yea,and they drink them shall.
9 But I for ever will declare,I Jacob's God will praise.
10 All horns of lewd men I'll cut off;but just men's horns will raise.