1 That there is not a God, the fooldoth in his heart conclude:They are corrupt, their works are vile;not one of them doth good.
2 Upon men's sons the Lord from heav'ndid cast his eyes abroad,To see if any understood,and did seek after God.
3 They altogether filthy are,they all aside are gone;And there is none that doeth good,yea, sure there is not one.
4 These workers of iniquitydo they not know at all,That they my people eat as bread,and on God do not call?
5 There fear'd they much; for God is withthe whole race of the just.
6 You shame the counsel of the poor,because God is his trust.
7 Let Isr'el's help from Sion come:when back the Lord shall bringHis captives, Jacob shall rejoice,and Israel shall sing.