11 My days are like unto a shade,which doth declining pass;And I am dry'd and withered,ev'n like unto the grass.
12 But thou, Lord, everlasting art,and thy remembrance shallContinually endure,and be to generations all.
13 Thou shalt arise, and mercy haveupon thy Sion yet;The time to favour her is come,the time that thou hast set.
14 For in her rubbish and her stonesthy servants pleasure take;Yea, they the very dust thereofdo favour for her sake.
15 So shall the heathen people fearthe Lord's most holy name;And all the kings on earth shall dreadthy glory and thy fame.
16 When Sion by the mighty Lordbuilt up again shall be,In glory then and majestyto men appear shall he.
17 The prayer of the destitutehe surely will regard;Their prayer will he not despise,by him it shall be heard.