12 By them the fowls of heav'n shall havetheir habitation,Which do among the branches singwith delectation.
13 He from his chambers watereththe hills, when they are dry'd:With fruit and increase of thy worksthe earth is satisfy'd.
14 For cattle he makes grass to grow,he makes the herb to springFor th' use of man, that food to himhe from the earth may bring;
15 And wine, that to the heart of mandoth cheerfulness impart,Oil that his face makes shine,and bread that strengtheneth his heart.
16 The trees of God are full of sap;the cedars that do standIn Lebanon, which planted wereby his almighty hand.
17 Birds of the air upon their boughsdo chuse their nests to make;As for the stork, the fir-tree shedoth for her dwelling take.
18 The lofty mountains for wild goatsa place of refuge be;The conies also to the rocksdo for their safety flee.