26 There ships go; there thou mak'st to playthat leviathan great.
27 These all wait on thee, that thou may'stin due time give them meat.
28 That which thou givest unto themthey gather for their food;Thine hand thou open'st lib'rally,they filled are with good.
29 Thou hid'st thy face; they troubled are,their breath thou tak'st away;Then do they die, and to their dustreturn again do they.
30 Thy quick'ning spirit thou send'st forth,then they created be;And then the earth's decayed facerenewed is by thee.
31 The glory of the mighty Lordcontinue shall for ever:The Lord JEHOVAH shall rejoicein all his works together.
32 Earth, as affrighted, trembleth all,if he on it but look;And if the mountains he but touch,they presently do smoke.