10 Such as shut up in darkness deep,and in death's shade abide,Whom strongly hath affliction bound,and irons fast have ty'd:
11 Because against the words of Godthey wrought rebelliously,And they the counsel did contemnof him that is most High:
12 Their heart he did bring down with grief,they fell, no help could have.
13 In trouble then they cry'd to God,he them from straits did save.
14 He out of darkness did them bring,and from death's shade them take;These bands, wherewith they had been bound,asunder quite he brake.
15 O that men to the Lord would givepraise for his goodness then,And for his works of wonder doneunto the sons of men!
16 Because the mighty gates of brassin pieces he did tear,By him in sunder also cutthe bars of iron were.