24 Within the deep these men God's worksand his great wonders see.
25 For he commands,and forth in haste the stormy tempest flies,Which makes the sea with rolling wavesaloft to swell and rise.
26 They mount to heav'n, then to the depthsthey do go down again;Their soul doth faint and melt awaywith trouble and with pain.
27 They reel and stagger like one drunk,at their wit's end they be:
28 Then they to God in trouble cry,who them from straits doth free.
29 The storm is chang'd into a calmat his command and will;So that the waves, which rag'd before,now quiet are and still.
30 Then are they glad, because at restand quiet now they be:So to the haven he them brings,which they desir'd to see.