7 And when by thee he shall be judg'd,let him condemned be;And let his pray'r be turn'd to sin,when he shall call on thee.
8 Few be his days, and in his roomhis charge another take.
9 His children let be fatherless,his wife a widow make.
10 His children let be vagabonds,and beg continually;And from their places desolateseek bread for their supply.
11 Let covetous extortionerscatch all he hath away:Of all for which he labour'd hathlet strangers make a prey.
12 Let there be none to pity him,let there be none at allThat on his children fatherlesswill let his mercy fall.
13 Let his posterity from earthcut off for ever be,And in the foll'wing age their namebe blotted out by thee.