5 I call to mind the days of old,to meditate I useOn all thy works; upon the deedsI of thy hands do muse.
6 My hands to thee I stretch; my soulthirsts, as dry land, for thee.
7 Haste, Lord, to hear, my spirit fails:hide not thy face from me;Lest like to them I do becomethat go down to the dust.
8 At morn let me thy kindness hear;for in thee do I trust.Teach me the way that I should walk:I lift my soul to thee.
9 Lord, free me from my foes; I fleeto thee to cover me.
10 Because thou art my God, to dothy will do me instruct:Thy Sp'rit is good, me to the landof uprightness conduct.
11 Revive and quicken me, O Lord,ev'n for thine own name's sake;And do thou, for thy righteousness,my soul from trouble take.