3 Upon the Lord, who worthy isof praises, will I cry;And then shall I preserved besafe from mine enemy.
4 Floods of ill men affrighted me,death's pangs about me went;
5 Hell's sorrows me environed;death's snares did me prevent.
6 In my distress I call'd on God,cry to my God did I;He from his temple heard my voice,to his ears came my cry.
7 Th' earth, as affrighted, then did shake,trembling upon it seiz'd:The hills' foundations moved were,because he was displeas'd.
8 Up from his nostrils came a smoke,and from his mouth there cameDevouring fire, and coals by itwere turned into flame.
9 He also bowed down the heav'ns,and thence he did descend;And thickest clouds of darkness didunder his feet attend.