1 In thee, O Lord, I put my trust,sham'd let me never be;According to thy righteousnessdo thou deliver me.
2 Bow down thine ear to me, with speedsend me deliverance:To save me, my strong rock be thou,and my house of defence.
3 Because thou art my rock, and theeI for my fortress take;Therefore do thou me lead and guide,ev'n for thine own name's sake.
4 And sith thou art my strength, thereforepull me out of the net,Which they in subtilty for meso privily have set.
5 Into thine hands I do commitmy sp'rit: for thou art he,O thou, JEHOVAH, God of truth,that hast redeemed me.
6 Those that do lying vanitiesregard, I have abhorr'd:But as for me, my confidenceis fixed on the Lord.
7 I'll in thy mercy gladly joy:for thou my miseriesConsider'd hast; thou hast my soulknown in adversities: