21 With mouths set wide, they 'gainst me said,Ha, ha! our eye doth see.
22 Lord, thou hast seen, hold not thy peace;Lord, be not far from me.
23 Stir up thyself; wake, that thou may'stjudgment to me afford,Ev'n to my cause, O thou that artmy only God and Lord.
24 O Lord my God, do thou me judgeafter thy righteousness;And let them not their joy 'gainst metriumphantly express:
25 Nor let them say within their hearts,Ah, we would have it thus;Nor suffer them to say, that heis swallow'd up by us.
26 Sham'd and confounded be they allthat at my hurt are glad;Let those against me that do boastwith shame and scorn be clad.
27 Let them that love my righteous causebe glad, shout, and not ceaseTo say, The Lord be magnify'd,who loves his servant's peace.