14 The wicked have drawn out the sword,and bent their bow, to slayThe poor and needy, and to killmen of an upright way.
15 But their own sword, which they have drawn,shall enter their own heart:Their bows which they have bent shall break,and into pieces part.
16 A little that a just man hathis more and better farThan is the wealth of many suchas lewd and wicked are.
17 For sinners' arms shall broken be;but God the just sustains.
18 God knows the just man's days, and stilltheir heritage remains.
19 They shall not be asham'd when theythe evil time do see;And when the days of famine are,they satisfy'd shall be.
20 But wicked men, and foes of God,as fat of lambs, decay;They shall consume, yea, into smokethey shall consume away.