20 But wicked men, and foes of God,as fat of lambs, decay;They shall consume, yea, into smokethey shall consume away.
21 The wicked borrows, but the sameagain he doth not pay;Whereas the righteous mercy shews,and gives his own away.
22 For such as blessed be of himthe earth inherit shall;And they that cursed are of himshall be destroyed all.
23 A good man's footsteps by the Lordare ordered aright;And in the way wherein he walkshe greatly doth delight.
24 Although he fall, yet shall he notbe cast down utterly;Because the Lord with his own handupholds him mightily.
25 I have been young, and now am old,yet have I never seenThe just man left, nor that his seedfor bread have beggars been.
26 He's ever merciful, and lends:his seed is bless'd therefore.