11 Then of the King desir'd shall bethy beauty veh'mently:Because he is thy Lord, do thouhim worship rev'rently.
12 The daughter there of Tyre shall bewith gifts and off 'rings great:Those of the people that are richthy favour shall entreat.
13 Behold, the daughter of the Kingall glorious is within;And with embroideries of goldher garments wrought have been.
14 She shall be brought unto the Kingin robes with needle wrought;Her fellow-virgins followingshall unto thee be brought.
15 They shall be brought with gladness great,and mirth on ev'ry side,Into the palace of the King,and there they shall abide.
16 Instead of those thy fathers dear,thy children thou may'st take,And in all places of the earththem noble princes make.
17 Thy name remember'd I will makethrough ages all to be:The people therefore evermoreshall praises give to thee.