6 Rise in thy wrath, Lord, raise thyself,for my foes raging be;And, to the judgment which thou hastcommanded, wake for me.
7 So shall th' assembly of thy folkabout encompass thee:Thou, therefore, for their sakes, returnunto thy place on high.
8 The Lord he shall the people judge:my judge, JEHOVAH, be,After my righteousness, and mineintegrity in me.
9 O let the wicked's malice end;but stablish stedfastlyThe righteous: for the righteous Godthe hearts and reins doth try.
10 In God, who saves th' upright in heart,is my defence and stay.
11 God just men judgeth, God is wrothwith ill men ev'ry day.
12 If he do not return again,then he his sword will whet;His bow he hath already bent,and hath it ready set: