12 For he the needy shall preserve,when he to him doth call;The poor also, and him that hathno help of man at all.
13 The poor man and the indigentin mercy he shall spare;He shall preserve alive the soulsof those that needy are.
14 Both from deceit and violencetheir soul he shall set free;And in his sight right preciousand dear their blood shall be.
15 Yea, he shall live, and giv'n to himshall be of Sheba's gold:For him still shall they pray, and heshall daily be extoll'd.
16 Of corn an handful in the earthon tops of mountains high,With prosp'rous fruit shall shake, like treeson Lebanon that be.The city shall be flourishing,her citizens aboundIn number shall, like to the grassthat grows upon the ground.
17 His name for ever shall endure;last like the sun it shall:Men shall be bless'd in him,and bless'd all nations shall him call.
18 Now blessed be the Lord our God,the God of Israel,For he alone doth wondrous works,in glory that excel.