14 For daily, and all day throughout,great plagues I suffer'd have;Yea, ev'ry morning I of newdid chastisement receive.
15 If in this manner foolishlyto speak I would intend,Thy children's generation,behold, I should offend.
16 When I this thought to know, it wastoo hard a thing for me;
17 Till to God's sanctuary I went,then I their end did see.
18 Assuredly thou didst them seta slipp'ry place upon;Them suddenly thou castedst downinto destruction.
19 How in a moment suddenlyto ruin brought are they!With fearful terrors utterlythey are consum'd away.
20 Ev'n like unto a dream, when onefrom sleeping doth arise;So thou, O Lord, when thou awak'st,their image shalt despise.