7 Their eyes stand out with fat; they havemore than their hearts could wish.
8 They are corrupt; their talk of wrongboth lewd and lofty is.
9 They set their mouth against the heav'nsin their blasphemous talk;And their reproaching tongue throughoutthe earth at large doth walk.
10 His people oftentimes for thislook back, and turn about;Sith waters of so full a cupto these are poured out.
11 And thus they say, How can it bethat God these things doth know?Or, Can there in the Highest beknowledge of things below?
12 Behold, these are the wicked ones,yet prosper at their willIn worldly things; they do increasein wealth and riches still.
13 I verily have done in vainmy heart to purify;To no effect in innocencewashed my hands have I.